The corrupted wish game!


New Member
wish granted but you spnd so much money on her that you become poor and then she breaks up with you...

i wish i were dead........hehehe try corrupting that


New Member
Wish granted: However, everyone else's life gets harder, so they get pissed off and kill you.

I wish I could meet Bloc Party


New Member
wish granted:you meet them but everyone gets angry at you and kills you(sorry if im not following rules is my first time..)

I wish i had a girlfriend...


New Member
hockeyhero said:
wish granted but you spnd so much money on her that you become poor and then she breaks up with you...

i wish i were dead........hehehe try corrupting that

i know its already been corrupted but i already made that wish.

To theherolink
You become so sexy you get killed by trampling women.

I wish Chris Crocker would stop bieng such a puss.


New Member
You stop time with your phone, but then you drop it and break it, meaning that time's stopped forever... Then you randomly fall into some lava.

I wish I were a Yoshi.