The corrupted wish game!



New Member
You will ban someone on Wii pros and they will get so mad that they find u and kill u 1000 times, just like some of thoses hard core mmorpg


New Member
You get brawl, but it's not completely finished, so it sucks and you wish you waited for Feb. 10th like everybody else.

I wish I didn't have any homework :(


Active Member
You get an HDTV, but it is so bright and loud that you go blind and deaf, then you run into a pole and fall into a huge and fast river.

I wish Grand Theft Auto 4 was not delayed.:glare:


New Member
killman360 said:
You get an HDTV, but it is so bright and loud that you go blind and deaf, then you run into a pole and fall into a huge and fast river.

I wish Grand Theft Auto 4 was not delayed.:glare:

granted,but now it completely sucks

i wish for immortality...


New Member
You drink the water that is stored in the umbrella, but it turns out to be acid rain.
I wish school was only 3 days a week.


New Member
granted, but your power runs out while half way through a wall, your stuck there forever

i wish i had every wii game and the wii gets played by everyone forever


New Member
Wish granted-The wii gets played by everyone, so when new consoles come out, no one notices them
I wish that I will make my school football (soccer) team.