True Identity


New Member
Yeah, I guess you could add me to that list. I stopped growing for years as well, and suddenly had a giant growing... spree...

I'm still used to the words that my friends used to call me though. "Lil' guy" and stuff like that.


New Member
Aw, lil' guy grew up! :p
I was once mistaken for being three years older than I really was...
Another time I was mistaken for a 19 year old when I was on a cruise...cause I got some of the free champagne that was


New Member
The "lil' guy grew up" is something I heard quite often a year ago... people are getting used to it now.

I'm usually mistaken to be three years younger than I really am... that, or I am mistaked for being a girl. :p But both of those mostly happened two, or more years ago. I had long hair too back then, so...
Nowadays I keep my hair short (and high :p) and had a mustache for quite some time. I shaved it off now, though... speaking of which, I have to shave...


New Member
I don't think it will, but I can't guarantee anything. I didn't shave (yet) when I had my wisdom teeth removed. I had a mustache for quite a long time.

But then again... I could let it grow until the end of the week, and shave monday. It's not like I'll be going out this week anymore.
Anyone else here ever thought of growing a mustache or beard? I certainly did. I came to the conclusion that it doesn't really fit my looks. Though I have yet to see much of a beard-grow. It's mostly the mustache part...


New Member
I think that a moustache would fit me, and i'm not shaving it yet. Other thing that its small enough to fit me. And i must shave those "side hair" thing that i dont know how its called in english from time to time. To describe better its the facial hair on the sides of your face, which usually connects with the hair on the head. :p


New Member
I left my mustache growing for a long time. When I was a sophomore in Junior High, I heard the first people say: "Ed, you have to shave." Yet I didn't shave until six years after that. The reaction of the people was quite... surprising when they saw me with a shaved face for a change.

Nowadays, I shave twice a week. Shaving once a week is fine too, but it gets a bit too noticeable during the end of the week. I tend to forget it too, so... :p
I don't have a fast beard-grow though. I could easily not shave for a few weeks without someone making a too big comment on it. My brother on the other hand, he is the complete opposite of me. In truth, he could shave twice a day because it gets very noticable. Unfortunately (for him), his skin is too sensitive for shaving it more than once a day.


New Member
I personally hate that my long(er) hair gets in the way of shaving my annoying. And I have a bony chin, so shaving there also is annoying.