True Identity


New Member
Lol, yesterday i had to shave the long hairs on my foot's big finger. And i hardly shave my sideburns, maybe once each 2 weeks, and its okay.


New Member
Toe, you mean, Metal. I doubt you have fingers on your feet :p

I never shaved my sideburns before, nor will I any time soon. Not only don't they grow as fast for me, by the time they're there, I already am going to get my hair cut. Personally, I don't like sideburns at all, and I don't like the sight of it either.

Raiju, if you don't know a word English, try to restrain yourself from saying something it then. Thank you.

Right now I'm happy I don't have to take a direct picture of myself. I look like I haven't shaved for one and a half week... oh wait, that's true. I didn't shave for one and a half week. I look awful... :p


New Member
Oh, I don't. I tend to hang out with people at school who are older than me, so... :p
Yet I still don't leave anyone alone until I have to though.