True Identity



New Member
I wish I could say the same thing. A while ago... or a year or two ago, might be more accurate, I learned that I couldn't stand silence too long. I wouldn't act weird if it was too quiet most of the time, but I learned that I lost much of my concentration and I started to irritate myself. Having music on in the mean time usually did the trick, though the talking of people - no matter who - always worked better for me.
A "leave me alone" would therefore not be very accurate for me. Though I'll admit I was something like that once too, but I learned I just couldn't keep it up. That's just my personality.
Nowadays, I still stick to the same as I always wanted to be. I learned that I concentrate well with sound around me, so when people are talking and I am making an assignment, everything goes all too well. When I am supposed to make it in a quiet enviroment, it usually don't come out well... or at least, not as good as it is supposed to be.

I'd like to say "I just want to finish school as fast as possible" as well, but unfortunately, that is not the case for me. Chances are getting less each day that I'll make it through the year, graduating, especially since yesterday when I heard the result of my latest test... which was... quite disappointing. But besides that, even if I make it through this year and graduate, I'll still have five years in front of me until I can finally reach the studycourse I want to go to. So, for the first five years, I'll be having school.
Not that I mind it too much. With an exception of my freshman year at Junior High, I always had a (good) reason to go to school and found or made a way to enjoy it... as I still do.
*scratches the back of his head*
It's just a little harder when you see my grades at this very moment :p At this moment, there is no way I'll graduate this year.


New Member
Talking about concentration, i got nearly to the complete opposite. I concentrate more when i'm:
1)Alone in the room
2)Complete silence around, wont mind music though
That relates to how good i concentrate at home of course. You cant be alone in a room at school. :p


New Member
That's for most people like that, Metal. Most people can't concentrate (well) when they are together with a crowd of people. Take the example of uh... you try to read a book while there are twenty people around you, partying. Most people can read what they are reading in that book, but they don't understand what they are reading. Therefore, are usually better in a quiet area.
As I said, I am the complete opposite of that. To use reading again as example, I read a lot better when I hear people talking too. Not really relating to watching TV (/movies).

There is a little addition to the fact that I concentrate better with people talking, but I won't bore people by talking about that. :p

Oh, and I've been alone (or almost alone, mostly) quite often in a classroom at school.


New Member
Unfortunately, I don't have that luck. :p I usually end up in empty classrooms when I'm searching for a teacher... or when I try to study. In the end, I usually stay there until I'm the last one, so... though I tend to stop whatever I might have been doing then when I'm the last one in the classroom.

I'm not the model-student I used to be ten years ago. ^^


New Member
Unfortunately, I don't have that luck. :p I usually end up in empty classrooms when I'm searching for a teacher... or when I try to study. In the end, I usually stay there until I'm the last one, so... though I tend to stop whatever I might have been doing then when I'm the last one in the classroom.

I'm not the model-student I used to be ten years ago. ^^

congrats on 2,000 posts, :D
When was ten years ago? o_O


New Member
Ten years ago = i was 5 years old, and you were 2 years old = 1996. I think that would be the answer. And i haven't noticed when Fladian came up to 2000. o_O
Note: youre too fast for me Flad. :p


New Member
Perhaps I made some confusion. I meant to say: "I'm not the model-student like I was ten years ago."

Where did you come to the conclusion that I'm from 1992?


New Member
Ahem... *thought: W T F!?!?!?!!* I thought that you were 11 ten years ago, as i seen you once saying that you are 21 right now. Ah i understand now! I was talking about Almost, and you just sent your post before i could.