Normally, I'd say: 'You're right', but I'll go into some further details here.
Most girls notice the feelings of guys because of the way they act. Many guys immediately act differently - they don't necessarily need to be aware that they are acting differently - when the girl is near him. That's because he doesn't want to make a bad impression, or has his pride at stake. After noticing he is acting differently, it won't take too long until the girl is able to figure it out. If that isn't the case, then it can also be completely obvious. Think of the people called "players" or "pimps." It is completely obvious what they try to do, and sometimes I wonder how some can like them. But then the question comes: How am I any different?
I don't hide the fact that I like someone, but I won't say it either. By all means, I'll make sure some of the people I hang out with at school don't find out. Especially if someone in particular gets word that I have an eye on a specific girl, then I won't hear the end of it, and within a little time, she will find out too, only not in the way I would like to. My words are quickly twisted by some people. Oh, normally I do trust people more than that specific guy... it's just that we already know each other for more than five years and never have been good friends again after our first year together.
As for the girl herself. When she found out that I liked her, I don't know, nor do I really mind it. I doubt she figured it out immediately that I had a thing for her, but it is unlikely that she hasn't figured it out by now. Not that any of them matters as I won't try to approach her anyway. I've always said that I wouldn't make any moves on a girl that already has a relationship. But even if I would, I don't stand a chance in this case. Ask yourself this question: How long is the longest relationship you've ever seen someone have
without getting married. The longest I've ever seen was four years, after that they either get married, engaged or they break up. But she is the first person I've met that has a relationship of nine full years. Mind that she is only a year younger than me.
When a girl has a boyfriend and is really happy with him, I'm used that she talks about him from time to time, or sometimes quite a lot. I always listen to whatever they have to say and that became quite common. When the relationship is slowing down or just being quite bad, little to nothing will be told about him, or only bad things. Not only is it just common sense, I also heard it more than often.
She is a completely different story though... she only mentioned her boyfriend twice (or was it more?) to me, but even after talking to her for such a time, I never heard the name of that guy, nor how old he is, or who he is anyway. I think I might have seen his name in her nickname once, but that could just be a friend too. Oh well...
The first time we've met was when we placed in the same classroom (two classes). Because I knew that class more or less (excluding about six people (or so), it was my class from last year) I didn't really have to try and learn their names and faces. I could just remember those I didn't know yet, therefore I paid a lot of interest to the faces I was not familiar with. It didn't take very long until I could make a rough sketch about the personalities of the people I did not know yet. In the end, I was not very off about most of them. The girl that I later started to
like seemed to me like the nicest girl of those I did not know yet, therefore she was the first I would like to talk to... how stupid that may have sound.

Now, for the people who know me a tad longer, I can't talk to anyone (might that me be male or female) without one heck of a good reason. Only if I know the person, (even if it was just saying 'hi' once) I could do something. Therefore, I had to wait for the right time. I didn't give it much more thought until I later heard that a classmate of mine liked her, and was immediately after her. I didn't give that much thought either. During the first test of the year from that class, I happened to see her and another old classmate talk to each other about learning about the stuff we had to learn for the test. I just mixed myself in that conversation which I never had any problems with since the last two years and that's when we just met. We didn't say much, but we said something against each other. That's removing the lock off of my door. As long as the person I am not familiar with says something to me, I can start to speak. Weeks passed, but I didn't talk to her much. Just a 'hi' every once in a while, until we started to notice that we used the same way to get to school by bus. Later she switched to the train, and I switched to that later too (there is a train-station near where I live under construction, it was finished halfway throughout the year).
Because she and I use the same way to get to school, we tend to see each other quite often. Nearly every day. Because she (apparently) gets in the train near the rear and I get in near the front, we usually don't meet inside of the train, but only when we get out. Because I sit in the front, I usually am the first one near the exit of the train station near the school. After meeting up a few times, I decided to wait every time she is there as well on her. She did the same if she happened to be earlier. Nothing special, I guess. We usually talked about all kind of stuff when we walked to school.
When we started to walk together I already came to the conclusion that I liked her, a little while after walking to school together (within the first week) I learned about her long relationship by coincidence because of the guy who was after her. He immediately stopped seeing her at school too, it was a bit too remarkable. I never stopped though, I just used the same friendly self with her.
I think she shares the same feeling I have when together. Relaxed and nothing going on. I never gave the impression that I liked her and that I wanted to make any moves on her. Unless you want to call my arm-around-her making a move, I never did anything. Mind that I throw my arm around just about anyone, except one specific girl (a classmate). She apparently doesn't like it, and pushes me away. Or at least, she did that once, so I won't try it again. Despite that she looks incredibly cute, she and I never managed to get along well because of no particular reason. Maybe that I could loosen her up a bit if I could talk with her alone for a few minutes, but that is very unlikely that such a thing would happen.
If I never made any moves on her, why would she know that I like her? I'm not too sure either, actually. But after all this time, I think she didn't miss the part that I liked her either. What some could say: "Not making moves, you said?" could be said here, but I think she took it the way I intended it to be.
The day before the last day (which was supposed to be the last day) I also said something like "You know... we aren't going to see each other for three months. I'll really going to miss you, you know?" while hugging her right after it. The way I said it was still jokingly (as always) and her reaction (which later became a 'quote') was approving of it. I also promised her a while ago that I'd come by where she works now some time. It was originally planned for last friday, but something came up, so I'll try to swing by next friday.
Somewhere between those things she must have gotten the impression that I like her, but if that's the impression she got, she also must have noticed that I won't do anything to her. If I manage to graduate this year (the chances are quite even, but I'm not very confident) she and I will definitely see each other during the "graduation party" (or ceremony, whatever you want to refer to). Therefore the quote of the month being: "We won't see each other anymore now, so see you at the Graduation ceremony." I'm not sure if the guy who said that to me (a classmate) was aware of him backing me up and giving me the last push in the back (which I was in need of) or he just said it for fun. Whichever it was, it really got me out of "the pit of despair." If I won't graduate, there is no chance that I'll meet any one of them who did graduate, such as her.
The last time I'll see her is during that time. I'll confess a few things to her then, which are not related to me liking her, nor with the forum, but there is one thing I would like her to know. If I graduate this year, it is
mostly thanks to her, and I'll be grateful for that. Is it planned that I will say those things? No, it isn't. I'll just say what I want to say, just like usual. Our normal conversations when going to school are the same. Normally, we don't have any particular subject to talk about until something comes up. Once or twice I had a question ready for her. Those were related to something that was being build by her house and about the birthday of a relative of her. Besides those two, I just went with the flow. It always went well, except for one day. You could describe it with the following words: "She didn't feel like seeing me and I didn't feel like seeing her." It only happened once, but it was just a bad day for both of us that day. Considering how often I've heard someone say: "I was planning to say this and that to her," I just felt different.
I was asked by a girl who knows about this all some time ago: "Do you have stuff in common?" which is something I never really thought about. I remember all kind of useless stuff, but my mind isn't made to remember the bigger things. Knowing what we had in common all just... uh... missed me. There are only three things we have in common, which all three of them are quite special, in my opinion.
1. She doesn't like shopping. I don't like shopping either... I found it quite remarkable that she told me that, considering that all other girls I've ever met like shopping. Not really caring to shop for something in particular.
2. She doesn't like to go out, such as a disco or anything like that.
3. She has the same kind of personality as myself, which is likely the first thing that attracted me to her. A bit quiet in the beginning, but as soon as you get her started and comfortable, she won't stop talking to you. That's exactly the same kind as I am, though I am a little more careful with my words. That's only one of them. Try to imagine it, two people who are like that talking to each other every day.

You know me, Fladian, I don't act differently when it comes to talking in real life than on the internet, so you can kind of imagine what kind of conversation comes to mind from time to time.

If it wasn't her personality that made me like her (though I only realized it when I didn't see her daily anymore), then it must have been her smile. I really miss seeing that smile. "I'm in love with your smile." It never came to mind when I was with her, I realized that I liked her smile only when I didn't see her anymore. Pretty stupid, actually. I'm only afraid that I am going to start to eat myself up from the inside.
I slowly came to the conclusion over the years that I have a personality people take a bit for granted. Though it is fun to have someone like that around you, people get the impression that it doesn't matter if the person with that personality disappears. People got me started to think about it in my first second year (I had to redo it) when I was told during the last few weeks: "No one notices him normally, but when he isn't around, everyone agrees with the fact that there is an open spot. Something that's missing." I tried to focus a bit on what it exactly is, but I never really found out. That continued for a few years like that, until I started my last three or four years. When I passed that class and went on to the next for the following year, it always took a few weeks until people started to tell me: "It's a shame you're not around" or anything like that. Whatever it exactly is, I don't really mind it. I only wish people would realize such things faster.

It has been like that for a very long time already, I wonder if it will continue on like that. If it'll happen at the end of this year again, I'll be happy with it for once. Really happy.
I don't think it is something I have on a forum though, but that is something I cannot decide about either.
Crushes can be so annoying sometimes....[/b]
Sometimes, yes. But I always try to drain it for as much potential to do other things as possible. Crushes are often the best motivation I can find to do things.