WIP/Completed Models


New Member
Okey... Here is my model I made from 3dmax Becouse i have no idea how to animate i just made some kind of pillar


anything i can do to make it batter?

btw its 550 polies


New Member
550 polies? way too much...be cool as a tower..
heres my pic.
its also in the gallery bu it crops it...
this ones around 800-900 polies or somethin...gawd its so many polies...its a WIP so yeha, iv gotta fix hes arms..they look to boxy..


New Member
ok i reduced it to 356 polies

And on your model the head+tail reminds me of Diablo and the body of GORO(mortal kombat)
Very nice

i always when i try export as Mdx i get this error: --Runtime error: Index should be less then NumNoteTracks, got: 1

you know what that means?

OKEY.. i made Aother pilar this one is only 72 polies



New Member
tv faces? never heard of that...try to keep the faces triagle like..alot of people get at me cuz i usta have the faces as squares..
looks cooler..just make it abit more balance..


New Member
hm...i think theres a tool called cut..use that and click on one vertex to anotehr so it creates a diagonal line..i dont know..im not 100% familiar with 3dstudio max.


New Member
woah i have absolutley no idea what polygons, faces etc. are but i made some ugly model in Gmax, since its on a different computer i dont know if i can get it here.


New Member
To make from a triangle a square, it is enough to delete a vertex manually. To put two vertices together, use the collapse function..



New Member
Started this today, if anyone if familair with my Dragon Called "zippo", then you would know what he would turn out to look like.
im still working on hes mouth faces and the hes forehead faces.