WIP/Completed Models


New Member
i gave him horns 10mins after i showed that pic lol, here he is so far..and here is what zippo looks like. i got kinda lazy and left him for me to play wc3.


New Member
Radagast, next time please put more into your posts. Especially since you already stated your view in a previous post. There is no reason to repeat yourself.


New Member
Indeed. Now if only more people would agree that a post should at least exist out of multiple paragrap... err...

Dear mother of all red stripes with green dots on it! What in the world are my child-drawing on there!? :p

I don't know much about modeling, but isn't that a high poly count?


New Member
its not made for warcraft lol.
I didn't say it was, but being suprised is one thing. I said a while ago that when a train passes you while there is only a few inches of a distance between you and the train, I said that it gets you awake in no time. The suprise after seeing this got me... pretty off-guard as well :p

But seriously, they do remind me of my drawings when I was a kid.


New Member
Well, the second and the last picture not. But I'm quite sure I was able to draw the other two. Drawing was my biggest hobby, pleasure and what I always tried to do... until we got our (first) computer.