Your Most Hilarious Kill :D


New Member
Mine would be when I was at Snow Valley, by the tunnel. I just used my whole magazine on my primary weapon. But there was still a guy alive, so I took out my pistol and started shooting. Suddenly another guy just pops out, he dies instantly because I did a headshot on him. He started calling me a hacker cause he thought I prefired on him. :p


New Member
I'm over at my friends house, playing it, and when he comes up the stairs to hand me a Mountain Dew, he smashes my hand into the mouse, pressing the left and right mouse buttons. By the time I stopped yelling at him (.000001 seconds :p), I realized that my SR-25 had scoped in and headshotted (welcome to my personal dictionary boys) some Trainee. Me and my friend just sat their laughing our *bleep* off, only to get naded about 7 seconds later.

Elite SEAL

alpha on two towers, im in the tower, and i see a a part of this guys head in that room that sticks out, where the bravo snipers go to potshot at us. I had an MSG -90, and i was trying to get the cross on the guys head, i finnaly figure -"hell, its close enough," so i fire, and get a head shot::cool:: then i see two guys at the top of the roof, and drop em both, =multi kill baby!


New Member
mines not really one kill but here it goes... in two towers i was alpha side hiding behind the crane. i had my lovely S36E scoped on the stairs on the right side, someone ran up i popped them prob 4 times and they died. a few seconds later the same person ran up again and i got another kill off them. then this happened probably 3 more times in the next couple minutes with the same person. then finally they caught on and tried sneaking into the corner of the steps to shoot me... i got a head shot on them. needless to say that person didnt use that set of steps the rest of the game, lol.

Elite SEAL

I have two on junk flea

1. this guys behind a screen thing, and so i spray n' pray, and i get A HEADSHOT:p through a little gap in between a box and the end of the fence:D

2. i was on alpha team, and i went over to bravo side to capture the flag -there were three guys, and i sprayed n' prayed again, unloading my whole clip, and got an ULTRA KILL :p:D lol

Elite SEAL

mines not really one kill but here it goes... in two towers i was alpha side hiding behind the crane. i had my lovely S36E scoped on the stairs on the right side, someone ran up i popped them prob 4 times and they died. a few seconds later the same person ran up again and i got another kill off them. then this happened probably 3 more times in the next couple minutes with the same person. then finally they caught on and tried sneaking into the corner of the steps to shoot me... i got a head shot on them. needless to say that person didnt use that set of steps the rest of the game, lol.

wow -lol- some noob i bet. just clueless:confused::confused::confused:


New Member
My most hilarious kill was me and 3 friends stacking mines on top of each other at Junk Flea. We created a GIGANTIC stack of mines (around 40-50) and shot thhem
We killed (it was 6v6) 8 people :D. All 4 of us and 4 of them and the screen didnt stop shaking for 50 -60 seconds :D.


New Member
My most hilarious kill was me and 3 friends stacking mines on top of each other at Junk Flea. We created a GIGANTIC stack of mines (around 40-50) and shot thhem
We killed (it was 6v6) 8 people :D. All 4 of us and 4 of them and the screen didnt stop shaking for 50 -60 seconds :D.

I LOL'd at that, i so wanna try that :p


New Member
In Snow Valley, around that cave tunnel, there were two of my teammates taking on this really good player, alright? So, I fire off a round with a stolen L96 (I otherwise wouldn't really use it), and BAM! 3 Killz! However, when I go to look at the kill sheet (as I like to call it) in the upper left corner, I found out that those two teammates of mine had lined themselves up with the target! Whether it was the L96's poor accuracy getting him in the chest instead of where I had aimed (the head), or if it was just those guys running there in time to meet their downfall, I'll never know.
u cant kill with the L96 three ppl,u can only do 2 kills in 1 shots,it is demostrated,but otherwise great story.
Mine was when i was in Waverrider,there where 3 alphas in the tower, and somehow i accidentaly tossed in a gas grenade,the poor jerks had no other way to escape than jump from the tower so I killed 2 while they were in the air,the other,well,he kissed the floor XD XD XD


New Member
I was positioning my G36E scope to shoot this guy in the head...And all of a sudden, out of nowhere, this guy pops out trying to knife me. I jump in my chair, accidentally click, and bam, DOUBLE KILL.


New Member
i had uber lag in CTF so i just got in by the time one person was half way across the map with my flag! i ran across the map (bravo) and then jumped down from the pit firing at him and got a headshot. he was just about to get his flag in! while i was doing that this meanie was shooting me! :p so i had 15 hp, stood in one place, and emptied my whole clip into him!

2. i was mean here! i was in the tower and just shot someone just before they reached their flag. another guy was going to get it but then i just shot him. (i retrieved my flag)

3. ultra kill nade! :D


New Member
I was in warhead i shot my l9, and then BOOOM Double kill. (Luckily i recorded it so i can have the link once it uploads.) Its actually really funny how they fall and die at the same time lol.