Your Most Hilarious Kill :D


New Member
My funniest kill came by accident. Has your gun ever fired a round by itself when you respwan? Mine did and just happened to headshot a guy that was in the wrong place at the wrong time.


New Member
My funniest kill came by accident. Has your gun ever fired a round by itself when you respwan? Mine did and just happened to headshot a guy that was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Lol, mine does that...But, no one ever stands in my crosshair waiting to get a headshot. xD


New Member
Cold Seed - Bravo side ( spawn killing side lol ) well I rushed them and I was in front of the truck throwing my nades into the garage area where I knew 5-7 people were defending. Well after my 2 HE nades I threw in my gas, one in the garage blocking the exit and the other I threw into the tunnel ( where Alpha comes out of spawn area) The gas got them all giving me a FANTASTIC!


New Member
Cold Seed - Bravo side ( spawn killing side lol ) well I rushed them and I was in front of the truck throwing my nades into the garage area where I knew 5-7 people were defending. Well after my 2 HE nades I threw in my gas, one in the garage blocking the exit and the other I threw into the tunnel ( where Alpha comes out of spawn area) The gas got them all giving me a FANTASTIC!

Nice i did the same thing except in junk flea i threw a Gas,fire,and smoke nades everywhere in the area and BAM ultra kill then i went foward on and got an unbelievable killing two more people :D


New Member
hmm i think mine would have to be 1 time on junk flea the whole other team thought it would be smart to basecamp n i threw a grenade in there and got 6 kills with 1 nade! lol


New Member
OH i rember this time this one player was teabagging an allys body and he wasnt paying attention and like me and two other people knived him at same time.


New Member
My best moment so far has to be one time I knifed 4 people from behind on the upper hallway on Pump Jack, but that one wasn't the most hilarious one.
The most hilarious one is actually me getting killed but in a very WTF way, on Snow valley, I was running behind an enemy sniper who didn't notice me, with a knife. I was about 2 meters away, ready to stab, and then , suddenly, I got HS'ed by a *friendly* sniper, in this FriendlyFire-OFF room, THROUGH the enemy's body, who didn't die from the shot, but shot back and killed my teammate after that.
The only possible explanation I can think of is that the game only decides the damage mode of a bullet when it hits someone and nowhere after, so when it hit the enemy it became a full-damage bullet, and applied to the teammate behind it too: me :|


New Member
My best moment so far has to be one time I knifed 4 people from behind on the upper hallway on Pump Jack, but that one wasn't the most hilarious one.
The most hilarious one is actually me getting killed but in a very WTF way, on Snow valley, I was running behind an enemy sniper who didn't notice me, with a knife. I was about 2 meters away, ready to stab, and then , suddenly, I got HS'ed by a *friendly* sniper, in this FriendlyFire-OFF room, THROUGH the enemy's body, who didn't die from the shot, but shot back and killed my teammate after that.
The only possible explanation I can think of is that the game only decides the damage mode of a bullet when it hits someone and nowhere after, so when it hit the enemy it became a full-damage bullet, and applied to the teammate behind it too: me :|

Lol. My funniest death would be... uhh that time i faced of this pro sniper Atastycookie. Me and my teammate decided that since he was camping around the rock we would launch 3 LAWs at him and he ended up sniping both of us right when we shot and he couldn't dodge it and BAM


Lol. My funniest death would be... uhh that time i faced of this pro sniper Atastycookie. Me and my teammate decided that since he was camping around the rock we would launch 3 LAWs at him and he ended up sniping both of us right when we shot and he couldn't dodge it and BAM

Lol. He is an awesome sniper. Very good at no-scoping.


New Member
Yes. yes he is.. After that i switched to his team and we owned. He taught me some pretty good camps too like jumping on the little piece of wood on the fence. :p