25 % Bonus exp and gp


New Member
Well I'm one of those kiddies that waste moneyz on this shit. If there was a black market server with a requirement of 400K NX spent, I could join that server easily.


New Member
....400k NX?...

You spent four...hundred...dollars...on a free game.

You know what I could do with four hundred dollars?

I have one word my friend. One word.



New Member
That would be half of my average paycheck...which goes towards shit like food and gas.


God help me if you got it from your parents.


New Member
Eight aids infested hookers, four hookers with bed sores, two decent hookers, or one top notch hooker... look at the possibilities. That's fucking stupid... $400 is a fucking car payment.

How old are you? I need to know if you're a stupid man, or a child with stupid parents.


Active Member
He could be a stupid man living at home with his stupid parents who payed for all that.. that would be a whole lotta fail.


New Member
$400 total so far isn't that bad... I've spent about that myself since Nov of 08 if not more. I do have three boys between 11 and 14 who play CA as well and I gift them all something about twice a month so it's not all me. And that's about 10% of my monthly net so I "dispose" of my income where and when I see fit.. I see players bashing those who buy NX all the time... well we just help pay to keep the site going for those who don't buy it and play for free. So you can post they're, we're, fuckbags all decked out in gear running around but have a little common sence to where the revenue is generated from that gives you the "free" game you are playing.

P.S. You should see the tab when me and my buds hit the titty bar... now that's a good amount of money spent...lol... ahhh good times:D


New Member
If Nexon kept their word and left NX to cosmetic items only, I wouldn't have a problem with you fuckbags.

In case you haven't noticed, the combat arms community is dying. So is nexon. You don't own a gaming company so you wouldn't understand what they have to do to keep the game alive. Now, I'm not saying I own nexon and that I know everything about gaming companies, I don't. I just want you to understand that other then overpowered nx items, nexon has no other way to make money to keep the game going. If you want to still play it free, you'll have to either live with it or buy your own NX. If you don't like it, go play another game that doesn't piss you off. But I'll have to tell you no matter what you play, you'll always get mad sometimes and cry "(name here) sux ballx (company name here) is bullshit (weapon or w/e name here) is overpowered!!!!!!!!"

In other words, no matter what game you play, no matter if it's free or not, there are always going to be weapons that are overpowered, hacks that can't be patched, and glitches that can't be fixed. If you want to play computer games of any kind, you're going to have to deal with bullshit one time or another.

In even simpler words, no matter where you go or what you do in life, you're always going to have to deal with bullshit.

I feel sorry for you for the fact that you don't understand that concept.


New Member
The only reason nexon lost gamers was because it cut off South America. Last I checked they had several million profiles, so they're well in the green when it comes to fresh meat coming into the market.

And you are pretty much wrong when you say games can't be balanced. COD-4 and World at War did a marvelous job at balancing the multiplayer. The only complaint that I commonly hear is Martyrdom, which really is quite avoidable, unlike the M-416CQB.

Bullshit is when you work for six months to get to an item, then have some guy with five dollars walk along and pay for it because he got money from his grandma that weekend. Imagine if EVE allowed a person to donate fifty dollars and you'd get a titan. You remember that ship that takes months upon months to build up, if not years, for the more powerful ones...

What do you think that would do to the veteran community who had been in the game since the beginning?

I wouldn't mind paying five dollars a month to support combat arms in just a normal fee, similar to runescape, but you should still have to work to get an item. otherwise it makes basically the gameplay meaningless and in the end, they'll simply shoot themselves in the foot.

There's no goal to aspire to meet and in a few months, that Private who bought a CQB will get bored after he realizes that they only release one map every two months, give or take.

Perhaps I'm just talking from my own experience.


Active Member
You have a good point Miran. Way to make me feel bad for buying the M416-CQB even though I'm high enough to use the normal one!!! lol


New Member
Like Miran said, a monthly fee would keep server costs up while keeping things balanced. Adding a small fee would probably keep hacks down, along with the poor spicks down in SA. The company can do what they want with their fucking NX, it's just sad that people basically need to buy it to be any good at this game.

I hardly play CA anymore, so I could give two fucks about what they do. But please, lecture me some more on how gaming companies make profits.