Colts & AK's in the 2nd round???



New Member
i do/buy what i want bitch. go spank it to cal, imma shoot your fayce with my 2nd round AK and live it up at the bottom of the stat pool, cuz i gotta better things to worry about, mew. 8)


New Member
If I have a team with 5 or less others and I'm owning while they're not doing so hot, I'll buy an extra rifle or two and throw them out sometimes. Not only does it give your team much better odds, but it shows you WANT the team to own with you instead of running in your wake.

But that's not really what this thread is about. Anytime is good for random ettiquette tips tho, right? Right.

I'm with blze, I'll buy a second round AK and dead your whole crew up. And if you don't like it, come and take it from me.



New Member
Intro said:
If I have a team with 5 or less others and I'm owning while they're not doing so hot, I'll buy an extra rifle or two and throw them out sometimes. Not only does it give your team much better odds, but it shows you WANT the team to own with you instead of running in your wake.

But that's not really what this thread is about. Anytime is good for random ettiquette tips tho, right? Right.

I'm with blze, I'll buy a second round AK and dead your whole crew up. And if you don't like it, come and take it from me.

I'd rather you buy me a Galil... :lol:


New Member
catfish said:
Intro said:
If I have a team with 5 or less others and I'm owning while they're not doing so hot, I'll buy an extra rifle or two and throw them out sometimes. Not only does it give your team much better odds, but it shows you WANT the team to own with you instead of running in your wake.

But that's not really what this thread is about. Anytime is good for random ettiquette tips tho, right? Right.

I'm with blze, I'll buy a second round AK and dead your whole crew up. And if you don't like it, come and take it from me.

I'd rather you buy me a Galil... :lol:


BTW - This is post #330.. *tear* Next time I'm on, I'm rockin' [330].


New Member
as for catfish.... dude i love playing on your team but yeah you never switch over to this side geting owned like i usually do.... as for the rifles complaint.... easy solution is to just listen for the gunfire and go around it..... let someone else deal with the heavy hitter that round :)


New Member
i thought i heard it catfish the stat whore is complaining about 2nd round rifles?? lol

i always switch teams if im doin good enuff to make a difference...cuz sumtimes i suck...even when i join i look to see how many good ppl are on which honestly i have never seen u on the underdog side..


New Member
Dilla and most of Punx are very good at evening the teams out. The regulars aren't very good at this unless they hear an admin pushing them. There are many times where I auto in only to find out I'm on the zero side of the 12-0 team score. It gets very frustrating when you know it is being stacked like crazy and nobody is doing anything about it. I used to try to take care of those problems with the admin nuke. I would intentionally tell my team not to buy weapons for two rounds and I would wait until the other team bought everything and nuke them, then do it again the next round. It was funny and evened the teams money wise for a couple rounds. We don't have many options anymore so it's refreshing to see the likes of Dilla move over to the underdog team, which he and Slick are very good about doing. Heaton, we need to talk :shock:


New Member
Yes and Deviant and Worm and some others.....geeez, I'm old. If I took the time to name all of them then I'd take years off my pitifully close to short life. I think what I'd really like to do is bring out those who don't. Most people need to keep in mind that sometimes we don't do it because we can't. The teams have equal people on both sides for instance. I watched Deviant yesterday fix that problem. He switched a weak guy to his team through admin commands and then switched himself over to the other team. I'll try that in the future. Deviant is young and guick thinking, so I follow his lead. :lol: