Donate Fuckers


New Member
Please do not compare 9/11 and Katrina. They are two completely separate disasters.

Also the reason why the response was much quicker was because we did not have most of our military and funds wrapped around a war in another country. Due to this americas resources are not 100% as they were before 9/11.


New Member
Deviant said:
3.19 as of today, 2.99 yesterday....not nearly as bad as by you Daddy but it'll get there.

its about the same here, but its rising. And the tourists will stop coming.........the season is over. Back to building houses.

I wonder when gas prices will drop.IF..... And BTW gas prices in Romania are 4$/Gallon...............I feel like home. Xcept I make 10X mo money.


New Member
2.69 to 3.39, fucking outrages. and i agree with inde, dont try to compare this to 9/11, people died on 9/11 cause they were citizens of our country, they were killed out of hatred for america. Katrina was a disaster as well, but there wasnt shit we could do to prevent it, it was gonna happen whether we liked it or not. What makes it even worse is that you have fucking looters, yeah its one thing to do what you need to survive. To steal crap that you dont need is pointless. Those looters can fucking rot in hell for taking advantage of the situation, and for the people that are helpless i feel bad for them. Katrina is nobodys fault, so can we stop blaming people when we should be blaming mother fucking nature.


New Member
We took a shit ton of students from Tulane and put them up on our campus. Our colliseum is now also a Red Cross Shelter. Over 1,000 people are in there being taken care of. I had expected more of us actual Georgia Tech students to go and volunteer but it would seem that the vast majority of people would rather completely ignore it as long as they can.


New Member
Well those pictures are ok but i guess nothing can capture the peoples faces and theyre expressions. When i think of the Tsunami i remember how much help we sent in. But look what happens when we have a natural Disaster


New Member
Some shocking images on TV, yes. But all of us are only shocked because we cant believe its actually happening here in America. I'm frustrated by the war, the hurricane disaster, and the effects on our economy from both (all our families are gonna take a BIG hit in the following months from all this).

What I have ZERO TOLERANCE for is all the political finger-pointing going on all over the place. This only proves to me that they (meaning the blame artists) were never capable enough or smart enough to assume their offices in the first place. Get these assholes out, get a positive person in their position, and we're halfway home. Give us someone who thinks about what can be done NOW...not who's to blame for what wasnt done before. They are only delaying help for those who really need it.


New Member
Yeah and we sent help over immediatley or as fast as we could and so did other countries, but in our own country it took weeks and we have yet to get any help from any other nations but Mexico


New Member
billy, what the fuck do you want them to do. we are undermanned, and the city was under 20 fucking feet of water. there was no way to get in or out once it hit. im not bashing you, but before you guys criticize everything, think for a minute. our country doesnt have assloads of amphibious vehicles to try and rescue people with. you cant use a boat, because there are still telephone wires and shit there, so the propellers will get fucked up. and with amphibious vehicles, there are still buildings and shit to run into. until the water goes down, help is going to be minimal. and it doesnt help when helecopters bringing supplies get fucking shot at.