Guild Wars


New Member
well i guess so, but if something else like *cough* Starcraft 2 *cough* were to come out AND if it racked in enough money they might not have use for ppl to pay (just saying)

but to undead - my character's name is Black Shatter whisper me or whatever its called on GW sometime


New Member
I love that game! I've conquered it like twice. I found a way to cast an extremely powerful spell four times in a row, but it only costs the amount of one. I still haven't tested it on the end battle though.


New Member
Out of the topic: im playing wc3 and Legacy of Kain: Defiance right now(i say its an awesome game). But it might change for a while to DII and wc3 or Morrowind and wc3 as when i try to save at Defiance the comp gets an uber crash and i have to res the system 3 times before it works again.


New Member
What kind of Warrior are you?
Ex. I have a Warrior/Monk.
Anyways, Warriors are really kinda easy mode, Ele's next, then Necs and Monks, Rangers and finally for PVE, Mesmers are way hard.
My first char was a mesmer btw :p


New Member
i got a warrior monk, but first i went with a Nec/ele i kept getting raped so i switched

but to raiju - it needs (minimum) 800 meg processor, i got a 1 gig and it works fine


New Member
No, no super comp for it.
And btw, if you're a W/Mo, you won't die. Just go Tactics for now (later on you can get a shield that uses Strength not Tactics, at that time you'll completely remove Tactics) Str a bit, w/e weapon you have and healing. Use Healing Breeze, it's really good.
And then you're set.