OMG Nude World of Warcraft PPL


New Member
Actually I was a Orc I took wind rider master, and only reason I was on because we don't got any rockets left and neighbors weren't shooting any off so I decided watch the fireworks on WoW at thunderbluff and mess around while Iwaited.


New Member
I would not dl it but on New years Eve there were alot of people drunk with no clothes on (I was one of them) and we were also jumping off cliffes at thunderbluff(yes this all happenned at thunderbluff why I'm am still trying to figure out why we did it).
Dear God!
Until I read 'Thunderbluff' (which is clearly something of Warcraft), I thought you were describing your New Years Eve out there in the real world :p

...though I wouldn't be too suprised all in all.