Riddle Game



New Member
next time dont write riddles yourself, get them from any of riddles site, because there is question in EVERY riddle but non in yours

answer: his drunk? oO


New Member
Thanks Ghost, for solving mine. It would be sad if it stumped everyone... -_-
And Almost, make your riddle more clear. Right now, it doesn't make the slightest bit of sense.


New Member
I know the riddle and have answered it many times before... but strangely enough, I can't remember the answer at the moment...


New Member
I didn't expect it to go that fast. :p

I actually had a different riddle in mind, but I better not use that one. It is pretty much impossible to guess the other one, so this one will do.

I have holes throughout, from back to front and top to bottom to core. More nothing than something within, and yet I still hold water.


New Member
Someone google it lol...
Until Ghost gets back, I guess we'll have a new riddle.
Since I solved H_D's, I guess I will post a new one.
Easy one:
What always ends everything?
Quite simple:
The end
**beep**...didn't see the post's date...sorry...my bad =(