Fav CA map ?

So whats your favorite Combat arms map?

I have to say that my favorite map is Sand hog, although i play Junk flea by far the most.
I like Sand hog because there are many places where firefights happen, and the fact that its medium sized makes it and AR dominant map.


New Member
I would have to say Waverider is my favourite. I like how you see almost every type of player in a room at the same time. On the rooves you'll see 2-4 snipers trying to battle. Down below there will be insane shotgun and assault rifle battles, while all the time that guy in the tower is deciding whether or not to poke his head out for that easy spawn kill, lol.

The only thing against it, is that it has a history of being a haven for glitchers :(


New Member
Brush is by far one of my favorites if I get to be on bravo..but that's because I've gotten most of my fantastic kills on it...

Waverider and Sand are the next best.