
New Member
i may or may not have been rash in my first post but what it boils down to is why didnt more ppl know...who cares if Def isnt around alot more or if wOrm is pretty much the site admin or boils down to respect...Def mighta not really cared if you mentioned this was happening and if he didnt like it then he culd restart the old server...but i think it was/is kinda tacky how this all went down.....and i sure hope the forums stay PuNx.....

P.S. i know im confused....dont bash me...straighten me out


New Member
As i noted in my post, I agreed there should have been more discussion as a whole.

But can you honestly say that you or Omni gave 2 shits about Punx after you went off and created your own clans? Or disabled the server?

Grant it, you say you left because of Puppet. But what leaders leave the clan "they created" because of 1 person???? Thats an issue you guys should take offline and try to rectify somehow.

183 post.. Ahh.. shit in one hand, fart in the other. Like you, im just calling it as i see it.

"Opinions are like ASSHOLES, everyone has one".. Some bigger than others..

Ill play on both servers If ima allowed cuz I have peeps on both sides..


New Member
Why wouldnt you be welcome, you can play where you want.

And yes I did care about PuNx since day one, and continued to, and still do.

And yes I quit cause of Puppet, I didnt like him and didnt want to boot anyone from a clan and cause a big deal due to my dislike for one person.

And yes, you have a very large asshole. :lol:


New Member
I don't get it, why not just let those who want to leave, leave and do whatever pleases them.
And for those who don't agree, or don't feel like mergin or whatever... just keep the other server runnin under Punx and keep the forums alive.
You can't choose for them...
Anyways, I'm pretty sure theres a lot of regs and clan members who'd be ready to help and support this community.
I just couldnt see how all this could go down so easily, with all the time and hard work put into it... noway


New Member
Well you know we can not force people to login and read the forums.

We can not control the computers that they have and we can not fix thier computers when they are broken.

I have left numerous message on your phone over the last few weeks and alas no return call. I have been searching for you on aim, alas no login.
The forums: We were all kicked out, omni felt it necessary to remove all of us even though I stated in the forum that I had no intentions of posting in the public area to remove/take anyone from here (Or something along those lines as I cant read the message to quote myself.)

Read your 2 page PM I sent you.
Admin: The second that you removed all of our admin powers and forum access we feared retalation from information that may be stored in them. As all access was removed before we could check we did not know the intention of removal of rights. In turn to protect the integrty all server rights were checked and modified.
Trust: In the matter of 20 minutes you sent me 3 pm's, at a time I did not have access to a computer requesting to talk about it. After I had phone calls asking if I had read the forums (here) I got on and saw that you had decided to restrict access, and I did read your messages about 7-8pm. I figured this some form of retaliation, and did not understand the reasoning, as your own posts stated you wanted to talk about it. Currently my entire phonebook was wipped a bout a month ago and I do not have telephone numbers, except what I have pulled over the past few weeks. So in turn the rights were removed.

I have no intentions on making this a "lets see who's server will be full" type fight. I have no intentions of throwing trash talk or politics.

I intend this to be handled in a mature manner.

As it stands though my name and all the work we (ALL) have done has been thorwn to the wind. This was not planned overnight. This talk was started back in March when Omni took down the server. We all talked then to start a new clan. It was decided to leave the name/forums until such time as we could get our own. (To me it was not the same any way because the "trinity" had all left to go to seperate clans or other ventures. ) Omni stated then that we could continue using the forums as long as we needed.

Now that we decided to join the two clans together in one new name, we are mud.

You of all people know this information. The same day that the server was turned off by omni in March, you came into Vent and talked to us about this. Our plans were laid out on that day with also a game plan for the future. Within a few hours I called in voice (not text) and got permission to still use the name PuNx and Lo3 and had the server up and running, with messages in the forum to tell people of the new site. The goal of this was to have as little impact to the community at that time.

Granted we have changed the IP a few times over the last few months to get a better bandwidth or better server. We have finally parked our self on a dedicated server that is all ours. No other game servers to compete with processor util% or anything else.

We even added a download accelerator to reduce map download time from 2-4 minutes to less than 10 seconds.

Some others had plans also but I never heard any thing about them only rumors. No one came to me stating "Hey that is what we want to do."

** ** ** ** ** ** **

Reguardless of these politics... it is the community that the server is for. It is the community that the server will be for. CAL'ing is a perk, one that we have grown to love. If you remember that is what omni created Lo3 for anyway, a scrim team. In that time Lo3 obtained a Scrim server and offered to PuNx the ability to use it with no request for admin or anything else.

** ** ** ** ** ** **

So... All in all:

I, personally, am tired of these politics. The sever is for the end user to enjoy, in a game that we all enjoy (otherwise we would not be reading and posting in here over this!) We took over the server when it was removed from service. We have been working on it keeping it alive and running and updated. It finally came time to continue on and join forces on what we were already working on to begin with.


New Member
Well WORM you want a WAR you can HAVE ONE!

This thing about mister innocent, heard it all before! You did everything perfect, LIKE ALWAYS!

Well here it is ASSHOLE!



New Member
so, honestly, wtf is going on. i really dont care who merges with who but i like playing with a lot of people here, not just punx/l03. new forums? yea right. new ip? why? is one of the ips gonna stay the same? thats all i want to know. is it gonna be easy to play with the poeple i have been playing with for the last 2 years?

i dont have time to filter through all this mumbo-jumbo... just the important stuff, plz.


New Member
two things...

one is that it sucks that the punx and lo3 tags won't be around anymore. even though it's theoretically the same people, i think a lot of people (including myself) form a sense of identity with just that tag. like...good old punx, or good old lo3. it would be like changing the name of your favorite tv show or restaurant or anything really, just fill in the blank with something that you feel loyal too. i could say more about that but you get the point, and i can get over that.

next issue is that when it comes down to it, it doesn't matter what server it is or what ping you get on it (aurora, redlight, swab, and probly more), it only matters who plays there. and if we take this thing that's all 1 right now and split it into two, a lot of people, a lot of regulars, will leave. sure most will probably stick around at one server or the other, or maybe go between them both, but it wont be as attractive to people who might become new regulars and it wont be the same as if everyone was there like it would be if there was only 1 place. also, having new forums will fuck people up too cause it took a lot of effort to get people to use these forums (imagine how hard it will be to get them to sign up for a DIFFERENT forum lol), and a lot of people have contributed a lot to these forums for which they are probably proud of (dilla, ema, dirty, deli, lots of others...)

the thing is that i think everyone can prevent this shit from happening (except the first thing about the tag which is fine, i was just being nostalgic lol). Worm and Omni, why don't you guys get together and hug for a while...maybe even touch some butt...and come to some kind of arrangement where we can ALL stay on the same server (the AiW server, with AiW and ONLY AiW in the name). the AiW guys can stay in their clan and omni can reform punx and recruit as necessary IN THAT SERVER. and as for the forums, JOIN THE TWO. i dunno how you can do it but i know you can, make it the same address just merge the shit together to have some kind of universal homepage or something...let's keep everyone together and all be friends!!!!

(if omni and worm do end up getting together...i want pictures of all the action)


New Member
wow did i miss soemthing? i thought the only thing that was changing was the site and the tag? i thought the ips were the same, no?


New Member
Hetfield14 said:
two things...

one is that it sucks that the punx and lo3 tags won't be around anymore. even though it's theoretically the same people, i think a lot of people (including myself) form a sense of identity with just that tag. like...good old punx, or good old lo3. it would be like changing the name of your favorite tv show or restaurant or anything really, just fill in the blank with something that you feel loyal too. i could say more about that but you get the point, and i can get over that.

next issue is that when it comes down to it, it doesn't matter what server it is or what ping you get on it (aurora, redlight, swab, and probly more), it only matters who plays there. and if we take this thing that's all 1 right now and split it into two, a lot of people, a lot of regulars, will leave. sure most will probably stick around at one server or the other, or maybe go between them both, but it wont be as attractive to people who might become new regulars and it wont be the same as if everyone was there like it would be if there was only 1 place. also, having new forums will fuck people up too cause it took a lot of effort to get people to use these forums (imagine how hard it will be to get them to sign up for a DIFFERENT forum lol), and a lot of people have contributed a lot to these forums for which they are probably proud of (dilla, ema, dirty, deli, lots of others...)

the thing is that i think everyone can prevent this shit from happening (except the first thing about the tag which is fine, i was just being nostalgic lol). Worm and Omni, why don't you guys get together and hug for a while...maybe even touch some butt...and come to some kind of arrangement where we can ALL stay on the same server (the AiW server, with AiW and ONLY AiW in the name). the AiW guys can stay in their clan and omni can reform punx and recruit as necessary IN THAT SERVER. and as for the forums, JOIN THE TWO. i dunno how you can do it but i know you can, make it the same address just merge the shit together to have some kind of universal homepage or something...let's keep everyone together and all be friends!!!!

(if omni and worm do end up getting together...i want pictures of all the action)

The server IP is exactly the same.

Omni said he was starting up a PuNx server again. I assume it will most likely be the IP in the header of the forums.

The IP for the AiW servers will not change. If you have played on the server it is in your fav's just with a different name.

Pings for those guys/gal (sw@b) should stay the same, as it is the same server.