My Userconfig.cfg



New Member
well peace out... it wont hurt for you to be gone anyways it isnt like we dont have enuff campn/stat whoring fuckers on here as it is...

i didnt have a problem with you DW but damn you of all ppl should kno u cant come into a clan forum and talk shit to a clan member and not expect to get retaliated on...even if a (speaking in general) clan member is an ass he has the right to be ...



New Member
Deviant said:
Puppet, I told him to shut the fuck up. I'm amused at how personal people take this game. I know I get pissed off from a competitive standpoint but because someone might call me a dickhead? Shit, my friends call me worse names than that everyday, so do you think I'm gonna take it seriously from some annonymous gamer? HA! You are quite the cocky little man divine, and cocky people suck because they don't listen to ANYONE. They think they know everything about anything and when someone calls them a name they like to act tough and often make an ass out of themselves (like now) and try to talk their way out while still being cocky (as now). I see it in this game and I see it everyday from meatheads at my college. It's a shame that you've brought all this hate towards yourself divine, you were well liked by the majority of the server, including me. That is the reason you keep shit like this private because all you do is bring hate to yourself.

not to be the extended viewing of this topic, but deviant is my brother, as some of you know, and i call him a fucked faced retard on a daily basis.... and most of you know that you can call me anything you want because ITS JUST A FUCKING GAME. None of you, cept a few, know me in RL and those of you that think you do you need to rethink that, i act alot different on here then i do in RL... Why? because its a fucking comp game and has no real meaning in life accept as a stress relievement strategy.. so dumass if you think that this was a pointless addition to the unraveling concepts of your worthless mind, then plz post the deffinition of 'Loser' for all of us to see.

your truly,


New Member
Re: ...........

DigitalSword said:
So, this thread needs to get tossed in the unmentionables drawer and ths subject DROPPED like all the other ones that have been disappearing lately.

Just a situation where a guy actually posted his userconfig for scrutiny and it turned into a mess where all of you are wrong.

fix it.


digi just stfu, ur opinion means nothin to me now


New Member
wow i just read that J digi....why are you always lashn on us suppose to back us fukr...usually when u make comments i dont agree but i understand...but this time you are wrong to digi

and your sister is better than you!!!! LOL


New Member
Wow... this is what I like about forums over IRC. I was gone for a few days but now that I'm back I get to relive the drama as if it's happening for the very first time! gg!

BTW...I think page 3 is the best one of all.