really sick of being called a hacker


New Member
lol yea that happens to
try having a k/dratio over 2.5 youll get kicked befor the game open so yea its worse over here.
lol i love the people calling me hacker i actually like it, i mean i know i dont hack i dont see any thing on my screen to aid me in killing them and there is nothing, so if i dont hack what makes them? lol so i realized every one who yells i hack is just a really sucky player that has a hurt ego and cant get that they found some one better then them!
and i also just ignore them and keep pwning them


New Member
You don't stream hacks you fucking idiot. engine.exe only reads files in the Nexon folder(besides authenticating to a verification server). Do you even know how D3D works? The files need to be replaced.

I vaguely know about modding... the Halo demo for the Mac. Pretty much, you replace files and stuff. Change some Hex.
BTW, somebody needs anger management therapy.
I haven't reported anyone, except for disgusting names, like... reproductive references.
I encounter some really good people, that are just really good. I can't blame other people for lag on my computer, it's my video card.
Also, anybody who blames you for hacking cuz' they suck, is a noob, have a massive ego, and has no life.
I have a low KDR, and I can still do good on my 2 accounts (KIA29953, and CookieMan0)


New Member
I rarely get called a hacker unless i get very lucky. I have 1.4 K/D. But when I do get called one, i wait until they kill me once... then I call them hacker until the end of the game for killing me.


New Member
I AM!!!

I have never hacked, and I get 18-30 kills using pistols-only! :cool:

I just wasn't able to keep re-buying the AR's, so I bought a pistol and owned...

I am usually 1 or second in most games I play in, and without any hacks!!!

(BTW: i have also nutshotted a sniper noob from 67 meters, with the first shot:eek: )

I have been reported 5 times by noobs in one game, and kicked off six games after killing the eliet mods...with Ma' pistolz!!!!


New Member
I've actually seen a player who was doing "pretty" well. I mean like 50 kills, 12 death. Everyone thought he was really good, except one guy kept calling him a hacker. So everyone was like "stop your hackyousation" The kill cam was on so people would see what he was doing after getting killed to confirm he wasn't hacking.

But after a while of this one guy kept calling him a hacker... he got mad and said "stop calling me a hacker, you can't do anything about it", then started killing everyone with a knife while he was in some remote location off of the map. Everyone thought the noob was paranoid, but it was everyone who was fooled. After the round was over, he said "if I dont make it obvious, no one knows i hack nubbies and reporting doesn't work" then left.

Btw, no one knew he was a hacker until he decided to be obvious about it. We played 8 rounds of elimination (140 kills).. for.. hours. After finding out everyone left, lol.


New Member
I AM!!!

I have never hacked, and I get 18-30 kills using pistols-only! :cool:

I just wasn't able to keep re-buying the AR's, so I bought a pistol and owned...

I am usually 1 or second in most games I play in, and without any hacks!!!

(BTW: i have also nutshotted a sniper noob from 67 meters, with the first shot:eek: )

I have been reported 5 times by noobs in one game, and kicked off six games after killing the eliet mods...with Ma' pistolz!!!!

Lotta talk, no proof seen so far, so I'm gonna say fail.

You haven't reached epic yet, but you're working your way there with all the bullshit you've been spewing.


New Member
Lotta talk, no proof seen so far, so I'm gonna say fail.

You haven't reached epic yet, but you're working your way there with all the bullshit you've been spewing.

yea, done now? also, thanks for flamming me, and its fail when it actually fails not at any time beforehand.

epic fail would be continueing to say I rule when I have a 0.01 KDR, which I don't.

Now stop getting off topic, and stfu, thank you very much.


New Member
No. You've tried putting words in my mouth the last time. Seeing as your brain is obviously inferior to that of a typical rock, I will now choose to INFORM you on your grievous error that you have just made.

You see, you have failed [notice the FAIL in failed], to produce any proof whatsoever that you are infact as marvelous as you claim. Your stats infact prove otherwise that you are not only a shoddy player but you have yet to even prove to be any worth in a single game you have played. Yet you claim that you repeatedly take the position of MVP as number one in the scores list, using "only pistols".

The official definition of Fail, by the Webster dictionary is as follows:
-To prove deficient or lacking; perform ineffectively or inadequately

Epic Fail is the ability to make fail, all that much worse, by simply ignoring the fact that you, the being of fail, has indeed failed at life or some other menial task that is found to be easy by the rest of us. By refusing to admit defeat, I predict that in the near future, you shall be labeled as "Epic Fail" simply by your own idiocy as you seem to be a creature that is innately stubborn.

You have even failed at being an EFG, or Epic Fail Guy, as is loving refered to in Encyclopedia Dramatica. The definition is so mind numbingly simple, it's amazing you cannot even achieve this status.

1.Do (x), fail at it immediately. Riff on this and try to make it at least entertaining.

All you've managed to do is piss off several members and prove that all you really can do and aspire to do is fail. Therefore, I have said that you = Fail.



Active Member
I got called a hacker a lot tonight. I was like cookie good tonight o_O. 80% of my kills tonight were from a sniper, I averaged 40 kills a match.


New Member
nice sniping!

also....could someone tell me how to take a pic/video...I'm clueless in that place.

[I'll start looking for bigfoot tonight!:D]

also, it just happens, I mainly happen to play the game for fun and rarely bother for the dumb KDR. I would play you. but I'm grounded and I s**k at calculating time zones, and I'm not allowed to play weekdays, so that adds fail unto me.

and stats don't prove that I did or did not do a nutshot at 67 meters.

The kid sniped someone at 67 meters!!! How is that fail?

thanks for the support. I gives me at least something to feel good about.

All you've managed to do is piss off several members and prove that all you really can do and aspire to do is fail. Therefore, I have said that you = Fail.

And who the hell do you think you are to say what I aspire to be?

here's the fact:

Its a game, I aspire to have a good time playing it.

and if I pissed someone off, good for them, they get a cookie.



New Member
I'm pretty sure Spirit was mocking you.

I only play on Fridays and Saturdays myself. how about next Saturday at 6pm Pacific Standard Time.