

New Member
Dear me.

First of all this is a forum. Forums are there to build a community, help other people with their problems and to have fun together. So on the one hand, i can understand your parents. I don't know how old you are, but that would make things easier.

Second, i don't know how they cought you. Did they see you playing the game? Seriously, you should know your parents and you should know, if they would allow you to play this or not. So if they would't, just play when they're not looking over your shoulder. If you're playing it on your parent's PC you're stupid.
But if your dad found it out by looking through the activity on the internet... discuss with him about that. It's your personal decision what you do on the internet, unless you're old enough/ allowed to do this. It would be asocial and unfair, if they check through your chronics. Of course, they are allowed to, but it's not very nice to do.

Otherwise... it's just a game. Find another game for you and be more careful or just go outside and do something with friends.


I agree, maybe you should find another game thats more age appropriate. Might I recommend super monkey ball or mary kate and ashley's sweet 16?

I'm pretty sure theres a Hannah Montana game out there somewhere


New Member
wow your parents tough you not to curse cause you really should fucking try it na but seriously that sucks ballsacks man but do good in school and theill probably give you your fucking crap im playing that wont happen


New Member
I think this is the first time in recorded history you didn't have a witty comeback :p I feel honored

Instead he steals my famous response.


Honestly, why bother letting us know? Most of the players here don't give a damn about you if you're young enough to lose your computer privilages.

When I was at home, I lost my computer ONCE...for three hours. Then I just reminded my dad of how my grandpa was a shitty father.

If you lost it, you're either a cry baby, you got caught looking at porn or you spend too much time playing CA.

Seeing as they only blocked your gameplay, I'm guessing the last one.

Try basket weaving.

The Lone Sniper

New Member
What happened so I couldnt play... Too many hackers! I report, then I let my bro know as he plays too, so he cant fight a hacker. My parents got sick of this and made sure I cant play...


New Member
If the father knew what he was doing (which sounds like he does) he could have blocked the server IP's so it won't matter if he has the client or not. Secondly, we should respect the parents wishes. We have no idea what this kid did to get this taken away. Sure he can tell us a good story but it may not be true. How would you feel if someone helped your kid get around your wishes. This isn't bad parenting... it is good parenting.


New Member
Dam that sucks. I don't gota worry about parents, cause I'm 17 and gona be 18 in a few months. You should get a 360 if you don't already have one.


New Member
My story about what happened is freakin true... I complain because hackers SUCK... And so my bro knows whos a cheatin idiot.

The thing I've noticed recently about kids is that they have no consequences for their actions and when they do get in trouble, they feel like they are getting treated unfairly. One day you'll learn that for everything you do, there is something else that can happen. Once you make a decision, you have to deal with what may come of that...